Work to trial simple, fast and low-cost tender processes that deliver fair outcomes without delay and waste.
The SC&E taskforce is targeting the tendering process – assessing why value is being lost and working to deliver targeted solutions to achieve fair outcomes in tendering.
This complements work ongoing to drive collaboration and support for the Offshore Energies UK supply chain principles as a key lever to this.
Work led by NSTA and Offshore Energies UK
Lookback – highlights from previous quarter:
- Three industry workshops were held in Q1 2021 attended by 30 participants. The workshops generated 92 specific suggestions. Based on these a prioritisation of five core recommendations were presented for the taskforce to carry forward.
- Refresh of LOGIC
- Improved standardisation
- Greater use of digital/technology in the tendering process
- Prompt payment terms and adherence to the Supply Chain Principles
- Reviewing the levels of contract risk used
At the taskforce it was agreed that Offshore Energies UK would carry forward the recommendations raised at the frictionless tendering workshops. Offshore Energies UK are keen for industry support in implanting recommendations raised, if you are interested in getting involved in any workgroups going forward please contact Emily Taylor